
Capacity 45 775
Country Germany
City Dresden
Clubs Dynamo Dresden
Category Design awaiting implementation
Cost € 25 mln
Construction ?
Design BAM Sports, Phase-10


DDV-Stadion – design description

Expansion of the football stadium in Dresden is expected to add almost 14,000 to its capacity, meaning total number of available seats and terracing at 45,000+.

Due to the building's already steep stands and scarce space behind the ground, it would only grow on three sides (main east stand excluded) and would have to grow vertically. This, while being the most challenging part of the project, is also its strength, because the outcome might prove to be Europe's steepest stadium.

The vision foresees adding a second tier behind each goal (with incline just under 43º) and even steeper addition to the west stand. Here two extra tiers would be added, topped with 25 skyboxes. The third tier could exceed 45º which is as far as stadiums can go.




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