Detroit MLS Stadium

Capacity25 000
Country United States of America
CategoryDesign outdated
Cost$ 225-250 mln
Construction2018-2020 ?
Design Rossetti
Design time 2016


Detroit MLS Stadium – design description

The concept was commissioned by billionaires Dan Gilbert and Tom Gores and envisages possible use of roughly 15 acres in north-eastern downtown Detroit. There is room for a 47,000-square meter stadium where the current unfinished state jail stands. The stadium would hold 20,000-25,000 people.

The venue, due to spatial constraints, would lie on the east-west axis and offer a semi-open west end. While three remaining sides would have double-tiered seating, the west zone would only have a single tier, connecting visitors to the plaza outside.

Plazas are a major feature of the project, because there would be a system of interconnected public areas on various levels, the top one being a park created on the stadium’s roof! The plazas would also connect the stadium to three other major buildings in the complex, a hotel, office tower and residential tower, all between 18 and 28 floors.

The entire complex could cost as much as $1 billion, of which the stadium alone should consume $225-250 million. The main condition for any piece of this proposal to go forward is for Wayne County to agree on jail sale…



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