Kompleks Boisk im. Włodzimierza Smolarka w Uniejowie

496 (Covered seats)
Country Poland
ClubsMiejsko-Gminny Ludowy Klub Sportowy Uniejów/Ostrowsko
Floodlights 300 lux
Inauguration 26/05/2012 (MGLKS Termy Uniejów - Canal+ Stars, 6-6)
Construction 31/05/2010 - 30/09/2012
Cost PLN 13.333 million
Address ul. Jakuba Świnki, 99-210 Uniejów, Poland


Kompleks Włodzimierza Smolarka – stadium description

In late Spring of 2010 construction of two football fields began in western Uniejów, central Poland. Main field is natural and has one permanent grandstand in the west, holding 496 people under a roof. East side was equipped with a temporary tubular stand for further 150 fans.

Secondary field has one landfill stand for 110 people and is synthetic. Both pitches are floodlit and there’s room for further fields, should there be a need. Entire project, with parking sites and public plazas consumed 13.333 million zloty ($3.5m) and was half-financed by the European Union.

Official opening took place in May 2012, seeing the home club MGLKS Uniejów face off stars of Canal+ in a friendly game. The ceremony was marked with honours to Włodzimierz Smolarek, legendary Polish footballer who died shortly before the complex opened. Smolarek was among initiators of the project and has thus been included in its name. He also has one seat reserved for him in the stands.



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