Stadium MK (Denbigh Stadium)

Capacity30 700
Country England
CityMilton Keynes
ClubsMilton Keynes Dons FC
Inauguration 18/07/2007 (MK Dons – Chelsea XI, 4–3)
Construction 17/02/2005 – 2007
Renovations 2012
Record attendance 28,145 (France – Canada, Rugby World Cup, 02/10/2015)
Design Populous
Contractor Buckingham Group Contracting


Stadium MK – stadium description

First propos al to build a stadium in Milton Keynes was made in 2002, when Wimbledon were granted permission to relocate. The venue was to be opened in 2004, but construction works hadn’t even started before that date. Groundbreaking took place in 2005 and the stadium designed by world-famous Populous was ready in mid-2007.

Official opening was done by Queen Elizabeth II in November 2007, but actual opening game took place already in July, when Dons moved in as anchor tenants. The club remain the only permanent users, though England U21 and rugby side Saracens from London play some of their games here.

Stands are able to accommodate 32,000 people, but for the first 5 years only lower tier of 22,000 was open for the public, with seat installation at the upper one planned for 2013. If demand ever reaches such level, there is also room under the roof for a third tier to increase capacity to 45,000.

Official name has always been about ‘Stadium mk’, but had various configurations (with cursive, bold or other visual effects). Locally it’s also known as Denbigh Stadium for its location in Denbigh, southern district of Milton Keynes.



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