Stadium de Toulouse

Capacity33 150
Country France
ClubsToulouse FC
Other names Mini Wembley (nickname)
Inauguration 1949
Renovations 1949, 1997, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2013-2016
Record audience 37,000 (Toulouse - Marseille, 13/02/1999)
Cost €41.5 million (2013-2015)
Design Cardete Huet Architectes, Atelier Ferret
Address 1, Allée Gabriel-Bienes, 31400 Toulouse


Stadium de Toulouse – stadium description

Opened in 1937 this stadium was located in the central park of Toulouse, on an island on Garonne river. Due to its early allure it was called as “Mini Wembley” and first came to international attention in 1938, when FIFA World Cup came to town. Another World Cup came after 60 years, in 1998. Third so far, this time in rugby, was played in Toulouse in 2007.

Since 1930’s it went through two major revamps of which the 1997 one gave it the current form. Then in 2001 an explosion in nearby factory caused severe damage, prompting FC Toulouse to temporarily move out. In 2005 it became the 2nd ground in France after Stade de France to have high quality giant screens and in 2007 all seats were changed to purple-white.

In 2009 the stand occupied by most vibrant supporters was renamed. Its current patron is Brice Taton, a fan killed by hooligans during UEFA Cup away trip to Belgrade.

Before Euro 2016 the stadium underwent another thorough redevelopment. Despte not altering its shape visually, the building changed significantly. Most of the grandstands were built from scratch to provide better sighlines and improve atmoshpere. 

How Stadium de Toulouse compares to other Ligue 1 venues?



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