France: New twist! Brest are looking for stadium for Champions League
source:; author: Jakub Ducki
Despite earlier reports in the French media, Stade Brestois 29 are unlikely to be able to play in their own stadium in the European cups. This presents the club with a considerable organisational and financial challenge. Where will the sensational third-place finisher in Ligue 1 land?
Stadium change
Back at the end of April, a UEFA delegation visited the Stade Francis-Le Blé to inspect it for Champions League play and was prepared to allow only 5,000 spectators during matches. Fans would be located in one stand that meets the stringent requirements, while the other three, supported by tubular structures, would be closed.
The club unveiled plans to build a new 15,000-seat stadium in 2018, with the aim of completing it by 2022. 4 years later, another ambitious project was shown. Delays have meant that the first groundbreaking ceremony is now not scheduled until 2025, with a commissioning in the summer of 2027.
Despite a banner displayed by fans during the last round of Ligue 1 at the Finistère stands in Toulouse proclaiming The European Cup is at Le Blé,
supporters were quickly brought down to earth. It turns out that UEFA will not approve the use of the stadium. So what has changed?
© Léo | Stade Francis-Le Blé (FLB)
Analysing all the pros and cons, the European football organisation deemed the century-old stadium too damaged.
President Denis Le Saint on L'Équipe listed some of the problems UEFA had encountered: the location of the security centre, the press areas, the safety of the players in the car park in front of the stadium. There are too many negative factors against us
- he added. The solution to this problem is one: look for a replacement stadium for the European cups.
A long journey or resistance from local supporters?
The club from Brittany must therefore choose a new venue, and among the candidates are two: Mini Wembley
in Toulouse and the Stade de Roudourou in Guingamp. The common advantage of these arenas is that both clubs will not play in European cups. And I guess that's where the pluses end. You have to choose between a poor solution and an even worse one.
Stadium de Toulouse, with a capacity of almost 30,000 spectators, has two main disadvantages: high organisational costs and a distance of almost 2.5 hours from Brest. And for a match played in the middle of the week, this is of great importance
- underlined Denis Le Saint, president of Stade Brestois 29.
© Patrice Nin, Ville de Toulouse | Stadium de Toulouse
Roudourou, although generating less revenue, is twice as close to Brest, making Guingamp the logical preferred option for the Breton team. However, not everyone is in favour of this solution. Brest is not welcome
was the message from the stands during Friday's match against Laval. The resentment between Brest and Guingamp is one of the strongest in regional football. For us, it's inconceivable that they could come
- Lucas Le Bour, president of Kop Rouge 93, Guingamp's main supporters' group, said in an interview with A la Guingampaise.
A cold calculation
Despite the disapproval of supporters, Brest mayor François Cuillandre believes that an agreement with Roudourou should be reached soon. His equivalent from Guingamp, Philippe Le Goff, offered his support in the name of Breton solidarity. We hosted the European Cup 10 years ago and since then we have improved the stadium. We have also hosted matches of the French national team. If there is something to review, it is on the edge of the arena
he told Le Télégramme.
© Presko (cc: by-sa) | Stade de Roudourou
We haven't made a decision yet
- confirmed the mayor of Brest to reporters. However, time is running out. Stade Brestois 29 must make this decision by May 22. Which solution will be best for the Breton team?