Stadium of the Year 2024

Stadium of the Year 2024

Voting closed

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The 15th edition of Stadium of the Year, the largest and longest-running open poll dedicated to sports architecture, is already behind us. Our aim was to give people the opportunity to select the best stadium to open in 2024.

At midnight [CET], on March 2, 2025, we closed the voting platform. A total of 9,750 valid votes were cast, thank you for your participation.

Complete results

Los visitantes hispanohablantes pueden pueden consultar los resultados en nuestro sitio web en español:

انتهت بالفعل النسخة الـ 15 من استفتاء ”استاد العام“، وهو أكبر وأطول استفتاء مفتوح مخصص للهندسة المعمارية الرياضية. كان هدفنا هو اختيار أفضل ملعب يُفتتح في عام 2024.

في منتصف الليل [بتوقيت وسط أوروبا]، في 2 مارس 2025، أغلقنا منصة التصويت. بلغ إجمالي عدد الأصوات الصحيحة التي تم الإدلاء بها 9,750 صوتًا صحيحًا، شكرًا لكم على مشاركتكم.

النتائج الكاملة

La 15e édition de Stadium of the Year, le plus grand et le plus ancien sondage ouvert consacré à l'architecture sportive, est déjà derrière nous. Notre objectif était de sélectionner le meilleur stade qui ouvrira ses portes en 2024.

À minuit [CET], le 2 mars 2025, nous avons fermé la plateforme de vote. Au total, 9 750 votes valides ont été exprimés. Nous vous remercions pour votre participation.

Résultats complets

La 15a edizione di Stadium of the Year, il più grande e longevo sondaggio aperto dedicato all'architettura sportiva, è già alle spalle. Il nostro obiettivo era quello di selezionare il miglior stadio da inaugurare nel 2024.

A mezzanotte [CET] del 2 marzo 2025, abbiamo chiuso la piattaforma di voto. Sono stati espressi in totale 9.750 voti validi, grazie per la vostra partecipazione.

Risultati completi

Die 15. Ausgabe von Stadion des Jahres, der größten und ältesten offenen Umfrage zum Thema Sportarchitektur, liegt bereits hinter uns. Unser Ziel war es, das beste Stadion für die Eröffnung im Jahr 2024 zu wählen.

Um Mitternacht [MEZ], am 2. März 2025, haben wir die Abstimmungsplattform geschlossen. Es wurden insgesamt 9.750 gültige Stimmen abgegeben. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Teilnahme.

Vollständige Ergebnisse

پانزدهمین دوره از استادیوم سال، بزرگترین و طولانی ترین نظرسنجی آزاد اختصاص داده شده به معماری ورزشی، در حال حاضر پشت سر گذاشته شده است. هدف ما انتخاب بهترین استادیوم برای افتتاح در سال 2024 بود.

در نیمه شب [CET]، در 2 مارس 2025، ما سکوی رای گیری را بستیم. در مجموع 9750 رای معتبر داده شد، از مشارکت شما متشکریم.

نتایج کامل

Edisi ke-15 Stadium of the Year, jajak pendapat terbuka terbesar dan terlama yang didedikasikan untuk arsitektur olahraga, telah berlalu. Tujuan kami adalah memilih stadion terbaik yang akan dibuka pada tahun 2024.

Pada tengah malam [CET], tanggal 2 Maret 2025, kami menutup platform pemungutan suara. Sebanyak 9.750 suara sah telah diberikan, terima kasih atas partisipasi Anda.

Hasil lengkap

第 15 届 “年度最佳体育场馆 ”评选活动已经落下帷幕,这是规模最大、持续时间最长的体育建筑公开投票活动。我们的目标是评选出 2024 年开放的最佳体育场。

欧洲中部时间 2025 年 3 月 2 日午夜,我们关闭了投票平台。总共投出了 9,750 张有效票,感谢您的参与。


스포츠 건축 관련 최대 규모이자 최장수 공개 투표인 제15회 올해의 경기장 투표가 벌써 15회째를 맞이했습니다. 우리의 목표는 2024년에 개장할 최고의 경기장을 선정하는 것이었습니다.

2025년 3월 2일 자정(CET)에 투표 플랫폼이 마감되었습니다. 총 9,750표가 유효 투표로 집계되었으며, 참여해주셔서 감사합니다.

전체 결과




1 15,329 pts
ad hoc Arena im Ernst-Abbe-Sportfeld

ad hoc Arena im Ernst-Abbe-Sportfeld Jena Germany Germany

  • team: Fußballclub Carl Zeiss Jena e. V.
  • capacity: 15,432
  • construction time: 2020–2024
  • cost: $60.5 M
  • design: IBA GmbH Jena
2 15,081 pts
Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

Estadio Santiago Bernabéu Madrid Spain Spain

  • team: Real Madrid CF
  • capacity: 78,297
  • construction time: 2019–2025
  • cost: $1.23 B
  • design: gmp Architekten, L35 Arquitectos, Ribas & Ribas Arquitectos
3 13,604 pts
Stade Hocine Aït Ahmed

Stade Hocine Aït Ahmed Tizi Ouzou Algeria Algeria

  • team: JS Kabylie
  • capacity: 50,766
  • construction time: 2010–2023
  • cost: $465 M
  • design: Omar Malki, Dune Architecture
4 10,348 pts
Stade Ali la Pointe

Stade Ali la Pointe Douera Algeria Algeria

  • team: Mouloudia Club d'Alger
  • capacity: 40,000
  • construction time: 2010–2024
  • cost: ?
  • design: Studio Altieri
5 7,966 pts
Mâs Monumental

Mâs Monumental Buenos Aires Argentina Argentina

  • team: CA River Plate
  • capacity: 84,567
  • construction time: 2020–2024
  • cost: $45 M
  • design: IDOM
6 7,929 pts
Egypt Stadium

Egypt Stadium New Administrative Capital Egypt Egypt

  • team: –
  • capacity: 93,940
  • construction time: 2019–2024
  • cost: $19.3 M
  • design: SHESA Architectural Design
7 7,687 pts
Gewiss Stadium

Gewiss Stadium Bergamo Italy Italy

  • team: Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio
  • capacity: 23,439
  • construction time: 2019–2024
  • cost: $105 M
  • design: De8 Architetti
8 6,948 pts
Stadion Utama Sumatera Utara

Stadion Utama Sumatera Utara Medan Indonesia Indonesia

  • team: –
  • capacity: 25,750
  • construction time: 2023–2024
  • cost: $36.25 M
  • design: ?
9 6,896 pts
EDION Peace Wing Hiroshima

EDION Peace Wing Hiroshima Hiroshima Japan Japan

  • team: Sanfrecce Hiroshima
  • capacity: 28,520
  • construction time: 2022–2024
  • cost: $173.6 M
  • design: ?
10 6,565 pts
Stadion Hristo Botev

Stadion Hristo Botev Plovdiv Bulgaria Bulgaria

  • team: PFC Botev Plovdiv
  • capacity: 18,777
  • construction time: 2013–2024
  • cost: ?
  • design: Georgi Savov, Vamos Architecture & Design
11 6,163 pts
Stade Amahoro

Stade Amahoro Kigali Rwanda Rwanda

  • team: –
  • capacity: 45,000
  • construction time: 2022–2024
  • cost: $170 M
  • design: ?
12 5,433 pts
Binzhou National Health and Culture Center Stadium

Binzhou National Health and Culture Center Stadium Binzhou China China

  • team: –
  • capacity: 34,000
  • construction time: 2021–2024
  • cost: $230 M (stadium + fitness center)
  • design: ?
13 4,701 pts
Kooi Stadion

Kooi Stadion Leeuwarden Netherlands Netherlands

  • team: SC Cambuur
  • capacity: 15,000
  • construction time: 2022–2024
  • cost: ?
  • design: Widdershoven Architecten
14 4,689 pts
Estadi Mallorca Son Moix

Estadi Mallorca Son Moix Palma Spain Spain

  • team: Real Club Deportivo de Mallorca
  • capacity: 26,020
  • construction time: 2022–2024
  • cost: $31 M
  • design: Izaskun Larzabal
15 4,491 pts
PEACE STADIUM Connected by SoftBank

PEACE STADIUM Connected by SoftBank Nagasaki Japan Japan

  • team: V-Varen Nagasaki
  • capacity: 20,027
  • construction time: 2022–2024
  • cost: $657 M (entire complex)
  • design: Yasui Architects & Engineers
16 4,029 pts
Nasiriyah International Stadium

Nasiriyah International Stadium Nasiriyah Iraq Iraq

  • team: Al-Nasiriya SC
  • capacity: 17,000
  • construction time: 2022–2024
  • cost: ?
  • design: Omar Waheed, Hawraa Isam
17 3,621 pts
Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah Stadium

Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah Stadium Sulaibikhat Kuwait Kuwait

  • team: Sulaibikhat SC
  • capacity: 15,000
  • construction time: 2021–2024
  • cost: $42.2 M
  • design: ?
18 3,444 pts
Kingdom Arena

Kingdom Arena Riyadh Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

  • team: Al-Hilal Saudi FC
  • capacity: 28,000
  • construction time: 2023
  • cost: ?
  • design: ?
19 3,260 pts
Linyi Olympic Sports Park Stadium

Linyi Olympic Sports Park Stadium Linyi China China

  • team: –
  • capacity: 57,086
  • construction time: 2020–2024
  • cost: $1.146 B (entire complex)
  • design: ?
20 3,043 pts
Hamz Stadium

Hamz Stadium Kampala Uganda Uganda

  • team: Express FC, URA FC
  • capacity: 35,000
  • construction time: 2017–2024
  • cost: ?
  • design: Christopher Omara
21 2,122 pts
Gimhae Sports Complex

Gimhae Sports Complex Gimhae South Korea South Korea

  • team: –
  • capacity: 15,066
  • construction time: 2020–2024
  • cost: $126.5 M
  • design: ?
22 1,859 pts
Shahid Raisi Stadium

Shahid Raisi Stadium Kerman Iran Iran

  • team: Sanat Mes Kerman FC
  • capacity: 30,000
  • construction time: 2006–2024
  • cost: ?
  • design: ?
23 1,042 pts
Hechuan District Sports Center Stadium

Hechuan District Sports Center Stadium Hechuan (Chongqing) China China

  • team: –
  • capacity: 20,455
  • construction time: 2022–2024
  • cost: $205.5 M (entire complex)
  • design: ?

Stadium of the Year Regulations

  1. Voting schedule: Your votes will be accepted starting February 3, until midnight on March 3, 2024 (Central-European Time). The above form is the only means of voting, please do not send e-mails or private messages with votes, they will not be included. Each person is entitled to cast one vote, selecting your top 5 venues (giving them 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point, respectively).
  2. Voting restrictions: Every user is welcome to share information or links regarding the competition, however voting may not be subject to commercial incentives (i.e. being rewarded for voting or subject to separate contests with prizes). Any such attempts will result in cancellation of all votes coming from identified sources. Similarily, individual voters attempting to give more than one vote will not be included in the voting process at all. Because of such precautions you may find that multiple votes from on WiFi network could not be cast.
  3. Nomination process schedule: Jan 7 – Jan 15, 2025. (nomination period closed)
  4. Submitting nominations: Every User of may submit a nomination. Unlike many competitions, ours is user-oriented, so we don’t require any fees, costly text messages, e-mail submissions, liking us on facebook, following on Twitter or on Instagram (we do appreciate it, though!).
  5. Nomination requirements: To be eligible, a stadium has to meet several criteria. It has to hold at least 15,000 people and be opened in 2024. Stadiums built from scratch are taken into consideration, as well as those that have undergone a thorough redevelopment. The competition is focused on football stadiums, which means we choose between venues that are capable of hosting a football (or soccer, if you prefer) game. They may still have running, cycling or speedway tracks around their pitch, or have pitches larger than football-specific ones (like cricket, hurling or AFL). However, football use has to be taken in mind.