Netherlands: Utrecht joins the solar revolution

source: /; author: michał

Netherlands: Utrecht joins the solar revolution Stadion Galgenwaard will have the second biggest solar plant of all Dutch stadiums, able to supply clean power for 300 homes.


Dutch solar plant operator Solar Store announced partnership with Stadion Galgenwaard, one of the largest stadiums in the country. Starting on March 1, the company will install 3,400 individual solar batteries on top of the stadium, with position optimized to harvest as much light as possible.

In total the system is expected to give 817,000 kWh into the grid every year. That’s the equivalent of annual needs of 300 households. It’s also the second biggest solar system to be installed at any Dutch stadium, only behind Amsterdam ArenA’s 4,200 batteries (producing 930,000 kWh per annum).

Stadion Galgenwaard

The project is in line with Dutch energy strategy and efforts to minimize the country’s carbon footprint. In more practical terms it allows stadiums to optimize operating costs.

So far Utrecht’s Galgenwaard is the sixth major stadium to have such installation in just three years since the first one was installed at Amsterdam ArenA. Other venues include Kyocera Stadion (2,900 batteries), Rat Verlegh Stadion (2,600), AFAS Stadion (1,725) and Nordlease Stadion (1,092). Just in recent weeks FC Zwolle announced they’re hoping to join the pack soon with some 2,000 panels.

Just between these stadiums they produce enough power annually to supply 1,245 homes with clean energy and this doesn’t include Zwolle’s future plant or smaller venues across the country. Still, it’s worth noting that none of these solar plants produces enough to balance a stadium’s consumption at this point.
