Scotland: Aberdeen sign stadium agreement
source: /; author: michał
Aberdeen FC hopes to begin construction of its new stadium and training complex in June, after signing a legal agreement with the city council.
Planning officers and Dons bosses have signed the Section 75 (S75) agreement, which will see the club build the £50m stadium and training facilities at Kingsford, near Westhill. The development will be phased, beginning with training facilities and later followed by the main stadium.
Their plans were put on hold last October, but the council eventually approved them in January, following recommendation from the planning committee. And it will not be called in by the Scottish government.
The No Kingsford Stadium (NKS) group is ready to launch a judicial review at the Court of Session, which could hold up the project for months, after raising more than £50,000. The opposition group has 90 days to file their challenge now that the agreement has been signed.
Aberdeen FC believes the new facilities are vital to its future, but objectors claimed the stadium should be located elsewhere.