Liverpool: Could Everton stadium cost Liverpool its UNESCO listing?

source:; author: michał

Liverpool: Could Everton stadium cost Liverpool its UNESCO listing? Location of Everton's new stadium has been selected. But it now turns out the Bramley-Moore Dock site might be too much for the city's fragile UNESCO World Heritage listing.


If you follow us, you surely know that the new Everton stadium is about to be built at Bramley-Moore Dock, one of the monumental – yet now derelict – docks on the northern waterfront of Liverpool.

Everton Bramley-Moore Dock stadium siteWhen the new stadium is built, most likely only the gates and retaining walls will remain of the old dock. However, the entire dock itself and the wider Liverpool port landscape are part of UNESCO World Heritage List (see map). Liverpool serves as model of how a maritime mercantile city of the 18th and 19th century looked like.

It's one of 30 British UNESCO World Heritage listings, but it's also the single only one in the country (and one of just two across Europe) that's directly in danger of being dropped from the list. It was ranked 'in danger' back in 2012 due to heavy changes in the waterfront.

Now The Independent managed to establish that UNESCO were never informed about the Bramley-Moore Dock plans. The organisation, once reached by journalists, ensured to follow-up on the plans and scrutinse them.

While it's unclear how the two concepts could interfere with one-another, it's certain that they might. After all, a 55,000-seat stadium will be of very significant size regardless of its architectural form and will thus change the waterfront.

On the other hand, and that will most likely be the city's argument, the Bramley-Moore Dock site is currently privately-owned by Peel. It's bound to be redeveloped either way. If left untouched, it would only date further, serving no purpose to the public.
