New design: Greuther Fürth show their future

source:; author: michał

New design: Greuther Fürth show their future After gradual renovations, now their home stadium will undergo a complete revamp. For starters the main grandstand, which will be ready by summer 2017.


Not in the Bundesliga anymore, but now Greuther Fürth aim to change the situation. The team invited design proposals in 2014 to completely redesign their current stadium at Laubenweg.

The one by vision4venue won the club’s approval. It suggests creating a new stadium one stand at a time, eventually connecting all of them with an inner promenade.

Stadion am Laubenweg

As Greuther Fürth announced today, starting in January 2016 the main grandstand (west, over 65 years old) will be torn down and replaced by a new one. In terms of capacity just slightly bigger (2,670 instead of 2,564), but when it comes to comfort a massive change with steeper layout, no obstructed views, over 1,000 business seats and more.

Stadion am Laubenweg

This part itself is also divided into two phases. First half of the building will be erected, comprising all sporting amenities, hospitality and club offices. Then the second one will grow, this time with safety monitoring center and club megastore.

Further grandstands will gradually replace old temporary sections built from 1990s onwards. Eventually capacity should grow to over 23,000 instead of 18,000. In 2014 the cost was estimated at €12 million, but in August 2015 the club announced it would pay €17 million for all works.

Stadion am Laubenweg
