Belfast: Windsor Park contractor announced

source:; author: michał

Belfast: Windsor Park contractor announced O'Hare and McGovern will soon have a football stadium in their portfolio as the company were announced as general contractors for Northern Ireland's national stadium redevelopment. Belfast Telegraph report.


The long-awaited revamp of Windsor Park gained pace in late 2013, as financing was secured from the Department of Culture, Sports and Leisure. Initially hoped to be at £25 million, the budget is now much higher, at £35 million. 31 million comes from the DCSL, while the Irish FA will invest further £4 million.

Now more news comes from Belfast as information is released on general contractors. Though appointed already in December, O'Hare and McGovern were named yesterday. This follows months of delays on the contractor selection, which was initially hoped to end in September.

Windsor Park

"As no challenges were received...the funding agreement was issued to the Irish Football Association (IFA), and the successful contractor, O'Hare and McGovern, was appointed in December 2013," sports minister Carál Ní Chuilín said.

A spokeswoman for the IFA said: "The Irish FA has issued a letter to O'Hare and McGovern to undertake the pre-construction design works for the stadium development.

"The pre-construction design phase is anticipated to be completed in March with works commencing thereafter."
