Brazil: Maracanã in need of redevelopment after… redevelopment?

source:; author: michał

Brazil: Maracanã in need of redevelopment after… redevelopment? Despite almost being ready for the 2013 Confederations Cup and 2014 World Cup, Brazil’s most famous stadium failed to meet requirements of the IOC, ahead of 2016 Olympics.


In a race against time Rio de Janeiro organizers are now almost ready to get people inside the redeveloped Maracanã. Roof is well under way, while almost all seats have already been installed.

There’s still a lot of work ahead before the June opening of this giant venue, revamped at a cost of R$ 932 million (€360m / $460m). Tests need to be carried out, but current pace and work not stopping during the nights make it very possible to meet the extended deadlines set by FIFA.

But a report from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) shows, that despite keeping within FIFA guidelines, the stadium falls short of meeting those of IOC. Meanwhile it is the famous Maraca, that will hold opening and closing ceremonies of the 2016 Olympics.

In its current state the stadium doesn’t meet 39 points named by IOC, with the roof not being strong enough, to name one. The IOC also critcises hosts for not presenting the current parking and commercial development plan of the stadium’s vicinity in the initial bid sent when applying to host the Games.

It is not clear at this moment, whether these concerns will require additional work from the Brazilians and alterations apart from those already projected/executed.
