Spain: “Bernabeu effect” shakes up Madrid city centre

source: Marca, El Mundo, El Confidencial, El Español, ESDiario, El E; author: Miguel Ciołczyk Garcia

Spain: “Bernabeu effect” shakes up Madrid city centre Bernabeu’s neighbours have had enough. Prices have risen and the noise caused by Real Madrid's home has triggered rapid changes in the housing market in the Chamartín district. Meanwhile, the long-awaited replacement of the pitch at the stadium has begun. The Spanish media also reported that a net calling for attacks at the Bernabeu had been dismantled.


Finishing work continues

Finishing work is still underway at Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, including on the second level of the stands where the existing blue seats, although recently repainted, are being changed for folding navy blue chairs. Railings have also been installed at almost all the stairs in the sector. Both modifications required the rearrangement of the steps on which the rows of chairs stand.

As can be seen in the Fanaticos Real Madrid videos, workmen are also working on improvements to the stadium's façade and in the immediate area where the car park is being built and the metro station is being rebuilt. Lighting tests are also underway in the Bernabeu SkyBar area.

The neighbours are fed up with the noise and the works

Although the works are nearing completion, they are still causing a nuisance to residents. The city has announced the closure of more roads, adding to the irritation of neighbours.

El Economista reports that in 2017, the club presented documentation to the city council in which it committed to reducing the decibels generated by the facility. This was to be achieved by creating a shell surrounding the entire stadium (...) reducing the acoustic impact on the surrounding area, thereby improving the comfort of neighbours. The club is clearly failing to meet these objectives, as the noise significantly exceeds legal standards.

Design of Estadio Santiago Bernabéu© 

Announcement of fightback

The Association Wronged by Bernabeu has announced a legal battle, collecting €200 a month from its members for this, according to TeleMadrid. They describe the creation of a tunnel to service the stadium, the increase in the number of events from 35 (before Bernabeu’s redevelopment) to almost 300 a year, the noise and degradation of the neighbourhood, and the reduction in the number of lanes on the streets surrounding the stadium as a harm done to the neighbourhood.

In previous months, they have already succeeded in stopping the transfer of the city-owned car parks next to the stadium to the club, which shows their effectiveness in court. If they were to win the noise pollution case, it could even mean a temporary ban on events at the venue.

Real Madrid presents a solution

In response to a continuing media storm, the city's mayor, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has forced the club to prepare a solution to the acoustic pollution problem. He told Telemadrid on Monday that he has limited the number of large concerts to a maximum of 20 per year. He also pledged to intensify the work of cleaning up neighborhoods after concerts at the Bernabeu.

Real Madrid, on the other hand, will have to identify and seal the areas through which sound is emitted, especially in the upper part of the facade (through the Skywalk's open space) and at the gates leading to the stands.

According to El Mundo acoustic panels or soundproof membranes, among others, will be used. In turn, a simulation will be conducted before concerts, taking into account, among other things, the power and placement of the speakers, to verify that the performance will not exceed sound standards. Quoted by ESDiario the mayor assured a few days ago that the club was willing and ready to cooperate.

Construction of Estadio Santiago Bernabéu© Madrid1902

Bernabeu is changing the housing market

In recent days, a wide-ranging discussion has started in the Spanish media about the impact of noise pollution from the new Bernabeu on the housing market. El Mundo has described an analysis by consultancy Gloval, whose data suggests that more and more people want to move out of the Hispanoamérica district.

According to El Mundo, within a 300-metre radius of the stadium, housing sales offers have increased by 57% and long-term rental contracts have fallen by around 30% over the year. Within 300-600 metres, the number of flats for sale increased by 22%. Their prices also increased, by 6.4% in the immediate vicinity of the stadium and 10.3% further into the district.

More tourists

By contrast, according to the same data, the number of flats for short-term rental to tourists increased by 19% within 300 metres of the Bernabeu and by as much as 40% within 300-600 metres.

Experts are cautious and do not want to make any judgements, but such large changes in the housing market over the year cannot be a coincidence, especially as they have occurred at a time of increased events at the stadium. The Spanish media are therefore already talking about the Bernabeu effect.

Design of Estadio Santiago Bernabéu©

Terrorist cell dismantled

The real shock, however, came from the information provided by El Confidencial. The Guardia Civil, thanks to the cooperation of the FBI and Europol, among others, has dismantled the cell of the I'lam Foundation, the propaganda headquarters of the Islamic State, which was calling for attacks on Real Madrid players and fans, as well as on other Champions League and EURO 2024 arenas.

José María Olmo, investigative journalist for El Confidencial, relayed that the Islamists had called for an attack to be carried out on matchdays at the Bernabéu. My dear brother in Al-Andalus [the Arabic name for the Iberian Peninsula - editor's note]. A very valuable goal awaits you. Break through the crowds, distract the security guards with improvised explosive devices and decoy devices, and then move with determination towards the main target, the inscription on one of the graphics prepared by the terrorists dictates.

Changing the turf

Fortunately, however, there was no attack, and after the end of the season Real Madrid took care to groom, or rather replace, the turf at the Bernabeu, as its condition left much to be desired, as Pep Guardiola himself pointed out in the Champions League semi-final. Now they just need to take care of the turf, said the Spanish coach, referring to the appearance of the new Bernabeu and its contrast with the poor state of the playing field.

According to El Español, despite the creation of special conditions for care, the changing of the turf is supposed to take place every year after the end of the season. This time, however, that change is taking place in a unique way. According to Marca, after the old surface has been removed, sand with organic matter has been spread to sow grass seeds on top of it, which will be nurtured under the playing area. With lighting, irrigation and monitoring systems in place, the made in Bernabeu turf is expected to be in perfect condition by the start of the 2024/25 season.

Construction of Estadio Santiago Bernabéu© Madrid1902
