Poland: Funding secured for second phase of Tarnów - Mościce investment!

source: StadiumDB.com; author: Paulina Skóra

Poland: Funding secured for second phase of Tarnów - Mościce investment! Last year, the stadium in Mościce was the venue for competitions during the European Games held in Poland. Matches between European national teams in beach sports took place at the Tarnów facility. After the event concluded, the sandy courts were removed, leaving the venue unusable.


Much-awaited financial boost

In 2023, a funding application was submitted to the Ministry of Sport and Recreation for an investment project that includes the installation of a heated hybrid grass pitch, lighting, and fencing around the venue.

After months of waiting, the decision has finally arrived: Tarnów received a grant of 6.71 million PLN for the second phase of the expansion of the Mościce football stadium. In early June, Tarnów's councilors unanimously decided to include this amount in this year's budget. Luckily, you don't have to wait for a funding decision. Check out the offer of an online casino with exclusive games and bonuses and enjoy the win! Officials can now sign a contract with the project contractor. Initially, the city had secured 10 million PLN for the expansion, which turned out to be insufficient.

Design of Tarnów stadium

Third time's the charm?

The first tender for the continuation of the pre-European Games investment was inconclusive, as the bids far exceeded the amount planned by Tarnów authorities. The lowest bid was 14.6 million PLN. A second tender was announced at the beginning of December last year, but it dragged on because interested contractors flooded officials with questions about the investment. As a result, the bid opening date was postponed five times. It finally took place on January 30. Five bids were submitted to the Tarnów city hall, with the lowest at nearly 14 million PLN. The city authorities did not give up and soon announced a third tender. They even considered reducing the scope of work by excluding the construction of lighting masts and opting for a cheaper natural grass instead of hybrid turf. Ultimately, they decided against this and announced the third tender in full scope, hoping for significantly lower bids this time.

The tender concluded in April, and... the situation repeated itself. Interestingly, even the company that submitted the lowest bid in the previous tender proposed a higher amount by several hundred thousand PLN this time. One company offered to expand the stadium for 13.75 million PLN, which was the lowest bid this time but still much higher than the city's budget for this project.

Planning additional work?

Officials are analyzing the situation, but given the received grant, it seems this offer will soon be accepted, as emphasized by Jakub Kwaśny in an interview with tarnow.naszemiasto.pl. We are pleased because we will finally be able to conclude this tender, he said. Tarnów authorities had announced plans to expand the facility to serve the Unia Tarnów team for their III league matches.

According to the ministry's decision, the investment is to be completed by 2026. The city hopes that, in addition to the football pitch, fencing, and lighting, they will also manage to build an additional stand, allowing the venue to accommodate up to 4,500 spectators.

We will seek funding for this phase of the work and would very much like to synchronize it so that the entire expansion is completed by the end of 2026. That is the plan, but whether we succeed depends on the Ministry of Sport, Jakub Kwaśny emphasizes.

