Italy: Time has come! Fans confirm boycott at Stadio Euganeo

source:; author: Jakub Ducki

Italy: Time has come! Fans confirm boycott at Stadio Euganeo Despite the fans' tremendous efforts and their official actions in favour of the extension of Calcio Padova’s stadium, the club's management has failed to take any steps in this direction. Now the fans have decided to take more radical action and have announced a boycott of the club's home matches. Will this force the board to upgrade the venue?


Why have supporters decided to boycott?

Stadio Euganeo is a multi-purpose stadium in Padova, used mainly for football, but also for athletics events, concerts and rugby matches. It has been the home stadium of Calcio Padova since 1994. Its total capacity is 32,336 spectators.

Due to strict Italian safety regulations for football matches, the stadium's capacity for these events has to be reduced to 18,060. The abysmal infrastructure and lack of investment in modernising the facility means that the actual number of seats available is around 7100, which is the main reason why fans have announced a boycott of home matches.

Shared protest: Ultras and regular supporters say STOP

On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, the ultras of AC Padova club announced that they would not be renewing their passes for matches played at the Euganeo stadium. In a published statement, they expressed frustration and disappointment with the state of the stadium and the actions of the club and city authorities.

Redevelopment design of stadium from 2019© Studio Muratori & Zanon | Redevelopment design of stadium from 2019

Main points of the statement:

  • Criticism of the state of the stadium: Ultras complain about the dire conditions of Euganeo Stadium, which they describe as "the worst and least functional in all of Italy". The partially closed stadium is a symbol of mismanagement of public funds.
  • Uncompleted projects: Fans recall numerous unrealised projects to upgrade the stadium, which were supposed to improve its infrastructure and make it more fan-friendly. Despite promises, none of these projects have been implemented.
  • Relocation to the east stand: The decision to move the ultras to the east stand brought more problems than benefits. Tensions between fans have increased and conditions in the stadium have not improved.
  • There is a lack of support from the club and politics: The statement has harsh words for the club's authorities, who have been described as " unhuman, deaf and blind to the needs of the fans". Local politicians are also criticised for their lack of interest in the fate of the club and for wasting public money.
  • Announcement of boycott: In response to the above problems, the ultras have announced their decision to boycott matches at Euganeo Stadium. They encourage all AC Padova supporters to join the protest and only support the team at away matches.

In response to the difficult situation, Calcio Padova's fan organisation, Appartenenza Biancoscudata, has taken various measures to improve conditions for the club and its fans. They worked with entrepreneurs and local authorities to promote the idea of building a new stadium and sports centre in Montegrotto. These projects were supported by renderings, cost estimates and the approval of the local authorities, but were nevertheless met with refusal.

Determined to make changes, fans have announced a boycott of the pass campaign and matches at Euganeo Stadium. They claim that without proper planning and investment, the pass is losing value. They intend to support the team at away, youth matches and other events where they can show their loyalty and love for the club.

Redevelopment design of stadium from 2019© Studio Muratori & Zanon | Redevelopment design of stadium from 2019

Response from club authorities

The Padova club expressed respect for the position of the fans, appreciating their support so far. The statement stressed that the stadium problems are also known to the board and that the club is working to resolve them.

The club, after reading the statement from the ultras, expresses its deep respect for the position of the fans, who have always been close to us. The situation of the stadium has been complicated for years also for us, and we hope that we can restore the stadium to the condition Padova deserves as soon as possible. We want to assure our fans that even this year we will try to achieve results that will restore the warmth and closeness of the fans to the team and the club, reads the club's announcement.

After a disappointing end to the previous season, in which Padova dropped out of the play-offs, the club decided to change their coach. Matteo Andreoletti, who previously led Benevento, became the new manager. Andreoletti announced ambitious goals for the upcoming season, stressing that the team has the potential for better results.

Redevelopment design of stadium from 2019© Studio Muratori & Zanon | Redevelopment design of stadium from 2019


Light in this tunnel?

Despite the fans' harsh decision, there is a chance that comprehensive changes to the stadium could begin. In recent days, the club announced a tender for the extension of the south stand at Euganeo. The detailed design with bids can be submitted until the end of July. The Curva Sud, which will have 3,000 seats, will be completed by the summer of 2025. What is still missing to complete the stand is the roof, the seating, the placement of the toilets and the activation of the lifts. This also means that next season Calcio Padova fans will have to take their seats in the east and west stands, as the north stand is reserved for visitors. Will this be a turning point in the stadium's history?
