Portugal: Stadium upgrades pre-match experience with... supermarket

source: StadiumDB.com; author: Miguel Ciołczyk Garcia

Portugal: Stadium upgrades pre-match experience with... supermarket Who hasn’t hesitated whether to go to a game or go shopping? Aware of the seriousness of this dilemma, Belenenses management decided to make it easier for fans by providing the German supermarket chain with space in their stadium. Something that sounds like an April Fools' joke was presented as a 'milestone for the club's present and future'.


In the heart of Lisbon

Estádio do Restelo has served the historic CF Os Belenenses club since 1956, when it was inaugurated after three years of construction on the site of a former quarry. The only significant renovation it underwent was just before Euro 2004, but no match was played there at the time.

The stadium's capacity is less than 20 000, but the attendance record, five times higher, was set during Pope John Paul II's visit to the Portuguese capital on 10 May 1991, when an estimated 100 000 people turned out for the modest venue.

Lidl at the stadium© institucional.lidl.pt

Innovative solution

The stadium therefore did not stand out much from the rest of Portugal's venues, but this was changed by recent decisions by the club, which found an original way to renovate its home. In return for Lidl's funding of €12 million worth of work, the German chain was given a space of 1,400 square metres inside the stadium.

The work included the redevelopment of the sports complex including the Belenenses club shop, as well as the adaptation of the area around the stadium, including the creation of new access roads, the installation of lighting and the renovation of the stairs connecting the stadium to the street. A garden was created on the shop's roof to show Lidl's concern for the environment. It will be a green space accessible to local residents.

In front of the stadium and now, the supermarket, there are 150 parking spaces and two fast-charging stations for electric vehicles. With this deal, Lidl has now opened its 16th shop in the centre of Lisbon, employing 35 new staff.

Estádio do Restelo© Wiki-observer (cc: by-sa) | Estádio do Restelo

“A milestone for the present and future of the club”

Patrick Morais de Carvalho, president of Belenenses, did not hide his satisfaction with the outcome of the cooperation. According to him, the opening of the shop is a very important milestone for the present and future of Belenenses and represents the beginning of an era of modernity for the club and its infrastructure.

Pedro Almeida, Lidl Portugal's general manager for the central region, described the event in a similar way. We are very pleased to once again be where it is needed, he stated. (...) we have done this in collaboration with one of the city's historic clubs, which reinforces our sense of belonging to the community and support for sport that characterises us so well, he later added.

Estádio do Restelo© Patrick Hendriksen | Estádio do Restelo
