YouTube: Stadium News (January 2024)

source:; author: Kuba Kowalski

YouTube: Stadium News (January 2024) What's been happening in the stadium world over the past month? Upgrades, ideas, construction, returns and petitions. In this video, however, we will be in twelve places, and most of the news is about Europe. We'll cover it all expressly in our new format - Stadium News.


Where exactly are we going to be in this episode? We'll be visiting Brighton, where star, or rather light, wars are being fought. We'll also be in Spain, where two of the biggest football clubs in the world are building their stadiums. Apart from that, there is much more going on in the Iberian Peninsula. We won't be missing Brazil either - it is possible that an innovative idea will be realised there. We will take you to Switzerland and the USA. Would you like to see another edition of Stadium News next month? Watch the video and write a comment!
