Florence: Fiorentina to start construction in 2019

source: FirenzeToday.it / CorriereDelloSport.it; author: michał

Florence: Fiorentina to start construction in 2019 We should see the final concept within just 2 weeks, but actual construction works won’t begin until 2019. First, the wholesale food market Mercafir needs to be moved.


We’ve been hearing about the proposed new stadium for Fiorentina for a decade now, if not longer. So far nothing came out of it, though there were several studies delivered for the Mercafir site in western district of Novoli, plans for one you may see below.

Mercafir is Florence’s major wholesale food market. Earlier this week it was agreed that the marketplace will be moved to the Castello district. Construction of new facilities should be done by 2019, allowing for the market to relocate and leaving the current Marcafir site open for development.

So far we know quite little about the new stadium. Planned capacity should be around 40,000 and the price for its development is expected to be around €320 million. Although, with construction time beginning in 2019, we’ll most likely see updates on the budget.

One major milestone to look forward to is the presentation of final design concept. Fiorentina are expected to reveal their planned stadium by year end, according to unofficial information already within two weeks, on December 10.

Mercafir Stadio Firenze
