New design: Moscow’s Torpedo to get a (really!) shiny new stadium

source:; author: michał

New design: Moscow’s Torpedo to get a (really!) shiny new stadium Its lustrous roof will reflect whatever is going on within the stadium. This is how the Eduard Streltsov Stadium will change, as approved this week!


Earlier this week the Architectural Board of Moscow unanimously approved this concept for long-delayed redevelopment of the Torpedo Moscow stadium. Existing facilities will be demolished and replaced by a more modern and fitting sports complex.

Stadion Eduarda Streltsova

The new Eduard Streltsov Stadium will be built exactly in the place of its predecessor and is almost exactly the opposite of the previous concept, from 2013. Instead of entirely enclosed dome the building will be entirely open, with both goals left without any spectator areas.

Stadion Eduarda Streltsova

Only along the field will there be seating, with a single tier providing 15,000 capacity (combined with corporate and VIP seating in the west). Access to the east stand will be possible from a public plaza, which will extend towards the east and offer space for training facilities of Torpedo Moscow’s other sections (boxing, wrestling, etc.), both indoor and outdoor.

Stadion Eduarda Streltsova

The complex will offer 730 parking spaces, majority of them throughout an open parking site (450). Additional car parks will be housed under the west stand and one of the two planned training fields.

Stadion Eduarda Streltsova

Most outstanding feature of this stadium will be its roof. Based on four towers on northern and southern ends, it will be created with one-of-a-kind metal membrane reflecting lights. Despite significant size (170x40 meters) the arched roof is expected to be lightweight.
