Munich: TSV investor insists on building new stadium

source:; author: michał

Munich: TSV investor insists on building new stadium Hasan Ismaik once again reminded TSV 1860 fans that he wants a new stadium for the club badly. “Time to end payments of €6 million to Bayern, this should be invested in 1860”.


Recent days saw a real social media offensive by Hasan Ismaik, Jordanian investor of TSV 1860. He began on Friday with a statement against the current Allianz Arena lease. “Time to end payments of €6 million to Bayern, this should be invested in 1860”.

€6 million is how much it costs to use Allianz Arena annually, which means TSV 1860 is effectively paying its archrivals millions to play at a location that’s not only unpopular among fans, but also (as a result) doesn’t allow to generate decent matchday revenue. The lease is in power until 2025, but it’s understood that a termination is possible if TSV 1860 find a viable new home.

Unfortunately Ismaik’s recent posts, despite getting him some popularity on facebook, are hardly detailed in terms of what the businessman intends to do. “We will build our own stadium, where we’ll sit on our own blue seats and celebrate victories”.

While surely hitting the right string with TSV fans, this is nothing more than Ismaik had already declared on several occasions in the past. Although, in light of the talks with city officials late into 2015, there might be something to look forward to for “The Sixties”.

