Kosovo: Stadium in Mitrovica on fire

source: e-novine.com / sportske.net / gazetaexpress.com; author: michał

Kosovo: Stadium in Mitrovica on fire City known primarily for ethnic conflicts this time comes to the spotlight as one of its two major stadiums was severely damaged during Saturday’s fire.


On Saturday fire broke out in Stadiumi Riza Lushta in the Kosovar southern side of Mitrovica. Despite what local media describe as prompt response from the fire department large parts of the main stand could not be saved.

Anchor tenant of the stadium, Trepca 89, described central part of the stand as lost, though detailed estimations are yet to come. A couple hundred seats including media section, player entry tunnel, speaker’s lodge and portions of the roof were completely damaged.

Trepca 89 will most likely have to relocate to the nearby Stadiumi Olimpik, which is currently undergoing final phases of its major renovation.

Cause of the fire wasn’t established beyond doubt, but the most probable scenario according to media reports is accidental ignition by young people taking drugs under the covered stand.

Stadiumi Riza Lushta

Stadiumi Riza Lushta
