Poland: Contractors flee from largest stadium construction

source: StadiumDB.com; author: michał

Poland: Contractors flee from largest stadium construction Consortium of Hochtief and Mostostal Zabrze decided to terminate their construction deal for 55,000-seat Stadion Śląski. Builders fear the 2-year long deadlock isn't ending soon.


In case you're not up-to-date with this project, Stadion Śląski's reconstruction has been paused for almost 2 years now after a segment of the roof gave way during the 'big lift' operation. Since then various experts gave their opinions on causes and solutions.

It wasn't until Spring this year that investor, the Silesian Voivodeship, decided to redesign the roof and finish works instead of leaving the ground uncovered. Still, despite further months passing, the new roof design isn't ready and contractors, who have remained on site for almost 2 years since the accident, lost their patience.

On Thursday Mostostal Zabrze officially terminated the deal after not being able to agree new terms. Contractors demanded higher payment due to their significant time and resource loss, which was refused by the voivodeship.

Currently the companies will begin stocktaking before they leave the construction site. The process is expected to last until the end of 2013. Only then is the voivodeship planing to launch a new construction tender, believing the new roof design will be ready by then.

This means construction will restart no sooner than in Spring or Summer 2014, which makes the current mid-2015 delivery deadline almost impossible to keep. Indeed, reopening the stadium may come no sooner than in 2016.

The project of complete revamp of Stadion Śląski began in 2009, when the stadium was still running for Euro 2012 shortlist and will become the very last stadium to be delivered. Currently the venue is one of two Polish potential bids for Euro 2020 and may still remain in the run despite the delays.
