Africa: Senegal’s national stadium closed for a year

source:; author: michał

Africa: Senegal’s national stadium closed for a year National team will not use Senegal’s national stadium for 12 months and will also pay a hefty fine for riots that erupted in October’s fixture against Ivory Coast.


As Senegal was taking Ivory Coast in a Cup of Nations qualifier, serious riots took place, resulting in the game being cancelled. Aggression at Stade Léopold Sédar Senghor started as Didier Drogba shot and made the score 2:0.   

First people started throwing objects down the stands and later set litter on fire in various sections to use it as missiles as well.

Now Confederation of African Football (CAF) gave its ruling on the events. For not securing the October match Senegalese FA is to pay $100,000 (half of which is suspended over the period of 2 years) and has been disqualified from the Cup of Nations. The stadium is also closed for 12 months for all international fixtures.
