Italy: Stadium named after Silvio Berlusconi? Heated debate in Italy

source:; author: Jakub Ducki

Italy: Stadium named after Silvio Berlusconi? Heated debate in Italy U-Power Stadium, will not be named after Silvio Berlusconi. After a heated debate during the councilor Martina Sassoli withdrew her proposal. The discussion had been going on for nearly 18 months since the former Italian Prime Minister's death on June 12, 2023.


Emotions on both sides of the argument

The proposal to rename U-Power Stadium in honour of Berlusconi provoked a heated reaction. Councillor Martina Sassoli argued that the decision should be based on Berlusconi's merits as a sportsman and president of the Monza football club , rather than his controversial political actions: Let us pay tribute to the man who, in the 110-year history of football, brought Calcio Monza into Serie A. Berlusconi was the heart and head of the biancorossa team. Beyond political ideas and the evaluation of the man, today we must look at the sporting president who gave us the dream.

However, the opposition, mainly from the centre-left, rejected these arguments. Angelo Imperatori of the Democratic Party stressed Berlusconi's name is still on the electoral lists. Councillor Giulia Bonetti added that Berlusconi, although often seen as a likeable person and able to make people laugh, has repeatedly been controversial in his actions. She cited the example of the promise he made to the Monza players, pointing to his instrumental treatment of women, which had also been evident in the past in other situations, such as his relations with foreign leaders. According to the councillor, his modus operandi, based on building dubious alliances and changing the rules in his favour, leaves much to be desired and does not allow one to consider that the game he played was fair.

U-Power Stadium (Stadio Brianteo)© Timo

Political criticism and divisions

During the debate, there were also accusations about Berlusconi's moral and political actions. Lorenzo Gentile recalled his problems with the law: There was supposed to be a damnatio memoriae (condemnation of memory), but instead there is a sanctification of his character. We are talking about the longest-serving prime minister, who could have done so much, but only looked after his own interests. A convicted criminal, a tax evader, a member of P2, surrounded by people with links to the mafia, does he deserve this title? No. Francesco Racioppi of LabMonza also expressed a firm no. Berlusconi has contributed to the moral, cultural and political drift of our country. It is an immoral move - he said.

Not everyone was against it, however. Andrea Arbizzoni of Fratelli d'Italia tried to focus the debate on Berlusconi 's sporting merits. In Naples, the stadium was named after Maradona because of his sporting merits, not the person he was. In other cities Berlusconi, who led the team to the top league after 110 years, would have been given golden streets Adriano Galliani, a close associate of Berlusconi, did not hide his disappointment with the decision: It's a crazy thing, it's better not to think about it if I'm not in the mood.

U-Power Stadium (Stadio Brianteo)© Timo

There is no consensus. Will there be a referendum?

During the discussion, there was a proposal to hold a referendum to let the people of Monza decide the name of the stadium. Paolo Piffer of Civicamente argued: I've never been a voter of Silvio Berlusconi, but I can't help but recognise his immense contribution to Monza's promotion to Serie A. In short, the proposal does not shock me. My proposal is simple: what is the democratic instrument that, more than any other, can guarantee an outcome that is truly representative of the will of the people of Monza, and not just a few parties? A referendum. Our statutes already provide for it, let's use it!.

There was also a proposal for the stadium to be named after Gigi Radice, the famous Italian football coach. However, this idea too was met with mixed reactions.

The mayor of Monza, Paolo Pilotto, commented on the situation with aloofness, suggesting that naming decisions for public places should be taken after a longer period of time: It takes patience for history to pass through its sieve, especially when the person's life was multifaceted. Let me ask us all to restrain our tones and, especially in the face of recent deaths, to be cautious in drastic judgements without appeal and equally sober in exaltation.

U-Power Stadium (Stadio Brianteo)© FABIOinVOLO

Supporters also spoke out

The decision to withdraw the application did not end the controversy. Fans from the Curva Pieri displayed a banner before the match against Fiorentina: Not naming the stadium can be accepted, but for what you said you should be ashamed. Now as always in the stands lickspittle? Mental lefties.

The discussion about the name of the stadium in Monza continues, showing how deep the divisions in society are regarding the figure of Silvio Berlusconi. Meanwhile, the stadium remains U-Power Stadium and the future of its name remains open.
