Spain: Silence at Bernabeu, more lawsuits and new facade lighting

source:; author: Jakub Ducki

Spain: Silence at Bernabeu, more lawsuits and new facade lighting Quiet has recently reigned at Bernabéu. Instead, it is noisy in the courts, where Real has to refute allegations every now and then or have their permits revoked. On top of this, the stadium is becoming more beautiful, both inside and outside.


Real Madrid is relying on calm

There is something happening at Santiago Bernabeu that is not to be missed, although it may be hard to hear. In response to numerous complaints from neighbouring communities, Real Madrid has decided to implement new measures to reduce noise, which manifests itself in a reduction in the volume of the public address system during football matches.

The club's first step was to cancel concerts altogether until March 2025, in order to appease the local community. Reducing the volume of the PA system has also affected the announcer. Currently, his voice, although still present in the stadium, is barely audible. During the Real Madrid - Espanyol match, only a few fans were able to hear the announcer promoting the anti-bullying campaign, even though this was accompanied by images on the scoreboard. As a result, many important announcements went unheard, with only the starting line-ups of the teams and the anthem being presented with due volume.

Santiago Bernabeu© bernabeu

Noise only at appropriate moments

Since the decision to cancel the concerts and limit the noise, the Bernabeu has been operating in a new, muted mode. Only at key moments - such as the squad presentation, the club anthem or the goal celebration - does the public address system regain its former glory.

But is this enough to satisfy everyone? Real Madrid seems to face a difficult task in reconciling the interests of its fans and its neighbours. Quieting the stadium may be read as a step towards compromise, but the reactions show that for many fans, noise and loud celebrations are an integral part of football that is difficult to give up.

Is this irony on part of Real's governing body?

Although the club has taken the decision to reduce conflicts with its neighbours, the reaction from fans has been rather cool. There will come a time when we will have to celebrate goals in silence - remarked one fan, ironising about the new rules. Many fans do not understand why Real Madrid would restrict the atmosphere of a sporting celebration, especially as neighbours had already protested against the organisation of concerts, arguing that the stadium is for football and not for musical events.

Although some have noticed a reduction in the volume of sound, many still feel that the changes are not noticeable enough. A neighbourhood association called Ruido Bernabéu (or Noise of the Bernabéu) has publicly expressed their dissatisfaction, commenting that they can still hear the noise during key moments of the match. Is it really necessary to celebrate every goal in this way? - asked rhetorically representatives of the association on the social network X.

In contrast, other voices pointed to the impact of the decision on local businesses who benefited from the crowds coming to the matches. Bar owners are certainly not happy either, - said another supporter, noting that the noise restriction could affect the general atmosphere in the area and therefore attendance.

Construction of Santiago Bernabeu© Madrid1902

For some, the silence that has fallen at the Bernabeu is a clear sign of irony - especially when one considers that formally there was nothing to prevent the continuation of current practices. Despite being able to legally maintain the current sound levels, the club decided to mute its PA system, which gives one the idea that the change may be more of a political gesture. This does not change the fact that at the same time, applications have been received against Real's authorities.

Neighbours don't back down - lawsuit against Real Madrid and city authorities

The concerts in the stadium were not to everyone's liking, and above all - the residents of the neighbourhood. The association Asociación Vecinal Perjudicados por el Bernabéu has not only launched a complaint against the company that manages Real Madrid's stadium, but has also extended it to the city mayor himself and the delegate for urban planning. This is no longer just a case of excessive noise, but also accusations of lack of proper permits and violations of the law.

The complaint, which residents filed against Real Madrid, relates to excessive noise generated during concerts held at the stadium following its redevelopment. Although it was accepted for consideration by the court in July last year, the judge rejected an earlier attempt to charge the mayor and Carabante with environmental crimes and fraud. The association has now appealed the decision, stressing that the responsibility for organising the concerts lies with the municipal authorities, who, in their view, knowingly allowed a serious acoustic crime to be committed.

According to the association, no steps were taken from the beginning to reduce noise emissions and prevent negative effects. Furthermore, the association claims that the licence that Real Madrid obtained for the renovation in 2019 does not include the possibility of holding concerts. As such, each event would require a separate permit, which, as residents point out, was never obtained.

Santiago Bernabeu© bernabeu

The lack of studies to reduce noise emissions, the numerous complaints from neighbours and the lack of appropriate action on the part of the stadium authorities formed the basis of the complaint, which also presented expert opinions from acoustic engineering. These opinions show that the permitted standards are being exceeded and that no action is being taken to protect the rights of residents.

City Council position: ‘We have fulfilled our responsibilities’

Borja Carabante, delegate for urban planning, environment and mobility, addressed the allegations, stressing that the City Council had taken the necessary steps to respond to the noise violations. He stated that all organisers of concerts that exceeded the permitted standards had been sanctioned, and that the Council had fulfilled its responsibilities by imposing sanctions on those who did not comply with the regulations.

Carabante stressed that steps are being taken to reconcile the activities of the stadium with the leisure of residents. In his opinion, all steps are moving in the right direction to combine cultural activities with the residents' right to peace and quiet.

The perspective of residents and regional authorities - will a golden mean be found?

The Regional Minister for Culture, Tourism and Sport of the Community of Madrid, Mariano de Paco, stressed that the initial announcement of numerous concerts at the Bernabéu exceeded the stadium's capacity. In his opinion, the planned events should be introduced with more caution to test their impact on local residents. The minister expressed hope that the situation would be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, although he did not undertake to indicate a specific date when the concerts could return to the Bernabéu.

Santiago Bernabeu© bernabeu

De Paco admitted that no one is happy with the current situation - neither the residents, the authorities nor Real Madrid itself. In his opinion, it is necessary to find a solution that will allow both cultural events to take place and provide adequate living conditions for the residents.

Carabante and Mariano de Paco agree that the main challenge is to reconcile the stadium's activities with the residents' right to rest. As the stadium promotes culture and tourism in the region, it cannot be completely abandoned as a concert venue. It is therefore necessary to work out mechanisms that will provide a suitable living environment for the inhabitants, while at the same time enabling the city to continue its cultural development.

Stoppage in construction of car parks at Bernabéu?

Real Madrid, in close collaboration with the Madrid City Council, has started the construction of two large car parks in the vicinity of the stadium and a tunnel linking the various traffic arteries. However, the project has faced legal difficulties. Recently, Judge María del Carmen Casado handed down a ruling that orders a halt to further construction work.

The reason for this decision lies in the lack of proper administrative permits, which were originally already revoked in the 23 May ruling. The works were carried out with the permission of the municipal authorities, but without the necessary documentation, which provoked resistance from residents. It was after their appeal that the court revisited the case and decided in favour of the local communities, ordering the continuation of the project.

Reaction from mayor and Real Madrid

The mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has stated that the City Council will abide by the court ruling, and Real Madrid will be obliged to restore the site to its pre-construction condition. Almeida stressed that the club had already begun work to replace the surface of the car park around the Santiago Bernabéu stadium to guarantee mobility in the area and to ensure that local residents would not be adversely affected by the stoppage of work.

In his statement to the media, Almeida indicated that he had no doubt that Real Madrid would comply with the City Council's demands and the court ruling. The club has pledged to take all safety measures, which, according to the mayor, includes restoring the surface and reducing the risks associated with the current construction stoppage.

Santiago Bernabeu© Real Madrid

Reaction from opposition and residents

Eduardo Rubio, spokesman for Más Madrid, paid tribute to the neighbourhood associations, who have fought against the project from the beginning. We want to congratulate the neighbourhood associations - Rubio said, referring to the court ruling which confirmed that the construction of the car parks would not benefit the community and risked environmental damage.

Rita Maestre, leader of the opposition, also spared no criticism of the municipal authorities. On her account on platform X, she accused the mayor of wrapping his mind around and avoiding full compliance with previous court rulings. She also called for the legal disputes to end as soon as possible and to comply with the ruling.

A similar view was expressed by Socialist spokesman Antonio Giraldo, who criticised the municipality for allocating public land to a private entity, such as Real Madrid, without proper legal basis. Giraldo also questioned who would ultimately pay for the construction work stoppage, and what financial consequences the city and the club would face.

Unclear future of project

The City Council has 15 days to lodge a possible appeal against the court decision, and the legal services are looking into the possibility of continuing to fight for the project. The problem that comes to the fore is the lack of public interest behind the project and the potential damage to the environment, associated with tree felling, among other things.

The project envisaged the construction of two car parks - one at Paseo de la Castellana, which was to offer 1,229 parking spaces, and another under Calle Padre Damián, with 617 spaces. The first floor of the latter was also to include bus bays and a tunnel connecting Padre Damián to Paseo de La Habana. The potential benefits for the city also included increased mobility in the stadium area. However, the lack of the relevant permits and opposition from residents raises questions about whether the project will ever be completed.

Santiago Bernabeu© Real Madrid

Who will pay for mistakes?

The court's decision imposes an obligation to stop the works and restore the site to its previous state, which undoubtedly entails costs that must be borne by Real Madrid and the municipal authorities. The court has made it clear that it is the City Council and the club that assume the risk of the cost of the works, especially in the event that the final verdict goes in favour of the residents.

In the current situation, both the city and the club need to reflect on their future actions. Real Madrid, despite starting work on replacing the pitch, faces possible financial losses and a possible cancellation of the project. The city authorities, on the other hand, have to decide whether it is worth risking further legal clashes or whether it is better to accept the court's decision and concentrate on other projects.

Transforming Bernabéu's night-time image

Tests have begun on the new lighting of the stadium's façade, another step in the comprehensive renovation of the Bernabéu. The work has concentrated on the eastern façade, on Calle Padre Damián, near the new official club shop. The installation of the louvres, which consist of an integrated lighting system, is set to completely transform the way the stadium will appear at night.

In addition, the louvres and slats that will be an integral part of the new lighting system are being installed. They consist of two horizontal planes: a lower one, covering the lower half of the façade, and an upper one, which occupies its higher parts. This makes it possible to build a structure that also has an aesthetic function, emphasising the dynamism of the building.

Club's crest and letters ‘Bernabéu’

One of the most anticipated elements of the new facade is the installation of the club's coat of arms and the letters with the name Bernabéu on the west side. The process began a few months ago, but trying to find the best style and size has taken a little longer than originally anticipated. Fans are eagerly awaiting the moment when these Real Madrid symbols will permanently grace the facade, completing the visual transformation of the stadium.

New features of stadium and Bernabéu Market

The modernisation of the Santiago Bernabéu does not end with the new lighting and visual aspects of the facade. The work also extends to the interior of the stadium, which has been significantly upgraded. New seating and an improved amphitheatre are among the key elements to provide a higher standard for spectators.

In addition, the stadium will add a previously unplanned second ring of LED screens, which will display highlights and replays of matches, enhancing the spectator experience.

The Bernabéu Market, a gastronomic market located next to the stadium, in the Plaza de los Sagrados Corazones, will open in the coming months. The 3,000 square metre area will feature 25 culinary offerings.
