Spain: Ecologists oppose the renovation of Benito Villamarín

source:; author: Paulina Skóra

Spain: Ecologists oppose the renovation of Benito Villamarín The organization Ecologistas en Acción criticizes the environmental assessment of the new Betis stadium, describing it as "inadequate." Representatives argue that "the objections were ignored, and the case was decided just six days before the scheduled deadline."


Ignored suggestions?

The environmental organization claims that it submitted a report containing objections and suggestions regarding the environmental assessment of the new Estadio Benito Villamarín within the designated time, but the case was reviewed six days before the deadline. According to Ecologistas en Acción, such actions could lead to the annulment of the urban planning approval through legal means.

The report highlighted several environmental factors that were not adequately considered. They believe that the proposed development capacity in the planning study is clearly excessive and is not based on sustainable urban planning criteria, but rather on maximizing capital gains.

The visual impact of a structure with an area of 31,500 m² and a maximum height of 47 meters, adjacent to two-story residential buildings, significantly alters the image of Heliópolis as a continuation of the Betis stadium and the already damaged image of La Palmera, affecting two of the most representative symbols – assert the ecologists.

Design of Estadio Benito Villamarín© Rafael de la-HozGensler

Mobility issues

According to the organization, the impact of this project on the accessibility of the southern districts has also not been adequately assessed, especially considering the traffic volume on La Palmera-Jerez avenue, which exceeds 40,000 vehicles daily, and frequent delays during peak hours.

Betis does not provide any alternative for mobility issues, mentioning only the planned third metro line, while the Pino Montano-El Prado section will not be completed until at least 2030, and the southern part of the project is expected to be completed even later – the statement emphasizes. The organization also notes that the accessibility of the commercial and service center is threatened by the insufficient capacity of the streets leading to the planned parking areas around the stadium.

Design of Estadio Benito Villamarín© Rafael de la-HozGensler
