Spain: Latest episode of soap opera ‘Nou Mestalla’

source:; author: Jakub Ducki

Spain: Latest episode of soap opera ‘Nou Mestalla’ The 17-year tussle continues in its best. In this bureaucratic chess, each side gains small advantages, but eventually the position becomes equal and the status quo returns. What's new in paperwork hell?


Socialist proposal and amendment

Socialist party councillors Sandra Gómez and Borja Sanjuán last week presented a motion containing three proposals for the approval of the city's urban development plans (ATE) - a document that determines the use and development of a specific area. These proposals are to be discussed at the June session of the city council.

The proposal mainly concerns the modification of the Territorial Action Plan Valencia C.F. and the inclusion of conditions for Nou Mestalla to increase the value of the indebted property. The Socialists are calling for the introduction of an obligation to pay a deposit before building permits are issued, in order to prevent delays and unfinished work, as has happened in the past.

In addition, left-wing politicians criticise the current Valencia city government, accusing it of not sufficiently defending public interests by being too soft on developers. The proposal aims to ensure that violators of signed commitments do not enrich themselves at the expense of the city and to avoid paralysing work again.

The political grouping Compromís has announced its intention to table an amendment to the proposal put forward by the PSPV. We have always made it clear that the urban planning charters give Mr Lim the right to build and profit from urban planning. I want to know how the city will benefit from the construction of the new stadium, and this is written into the contract - Councillor Papi Robles said in a statement.

Design of Nou Mestalla© Valencia CF

What does all this mean?

Valencia's chairman, Paul Lim, may be moving money out through the construction of the new Mestalla, personally enriching himself. By changing the ATE, the city council wants to limit his options, threatening horrendous fines for overstepping the law. This would lead either to the shell of the building again or to an upgrade under proper rules against payment of a deposit that would not give Lim the chance for creative accounting.

The audit, which has long been called for, is to value and check the progress of the works. If no agreement is reached between the parties by August 3, Valencia will be given a free hand, legally becoming the ATE of 2015.

Valencia on building site... despite lack of permission!

Valencia CF is continuing its offensive on Nou Mestalla, awaiting the licences that will allow it to resume the building work needed to legally continue construction. The club, disregarding the intentions of the socialist party, continues to act in its own way and await the granting of the building permits, which were supposed to arrive in March or April but have been delayed due to the absence of two reports from the Generalitat. As reported by ElDesmarque, the club has already commissioned an engineering firm to carry out a study of the situation of the works at the stadium, a necessary step for the resumption of work.

VCF would like to express its firm intention to start construction work on the stadium as soon as possible, once the licence has been granted by the City Council. In this sense, we anticipate that it is VCF's intention to start work within the statutory deadline of six months from the issuing of the building permit and after the elaboration of the Detailed Design, estimating that work will be undertaken within 30 to 42 months from the start of the works - informed Valencia's management.

Design of Nou Mestalla© Valencia CF

Valencia - Girona match boycott

In the last round of LaLiga, Valencia fans decided to boycott the match against Girona, expressing their dissatisfaction with the direction of the club. The main reasons for this protest are the management of the team by the owners, Lim's majority ownership of the club and the lack of transparency and commitment to the development of the team. Fans are concerned that a club with such a long and rich history is gradually losing its position in Spanish football. As a result, instead of supporting their team in the stadium, they have chosen to demonstrate their discontent through absenteeism.

The boycott of Valencia's match against Girona also has a symbolic dimension, showing how strong the fans' emotions and attachment to the club are. For many fans, football is more than just a sport - it is part of their identity and daily life. The lack of support from loyal fans is a serious signal to the club's board, which should make them reflect on Valencia's future. Fans are hoping that their protest will attract media attention and cause the owners to take steps to rectify the situation and restore the club to its former glory.

However, are fans important?

Valencia CF, in partnership with Legends International, a specialist in football stadium design and consultancy, plans to involve its fans in the design process for the new venue. The club recognises that fan feedback is key to creating the ideal atmosphere and functionality for the stadium.

Focus group sessions will be held in June, led by specialists from Legends International. These sessions will be attended by selected fans, including pass holders and club members, who will have the opportunity to share their expectations and ideas about the future stadium.

Design of Nou Mestalla© Valencia CF
