Scotland: Planning officials recommend Aberdeen stadium for approval

source: /; author: michał

Scotland: Planning officials recommend Aberdeen stadium for approval The Aberdeen planning officials support the controversial Kingsford Stadium scheme. If the city council votes in favour on Monday, the project could finally proceed.


Report released yesterday by the Aberdeen city council planning committee recommends approval of the proposed Aberdeen FC stadium in Kingsford. Planners recommended giving the green light subject to conditions and conclusion of a planning obligation securing developer contributions relating to core paths, and setting up and operation of a public transport steering group.

Aberdeen Kingsford Stadium

A decision from planners had been due in October, however, the club asked the council for the plans to be deferred for more discussions. The fresh report said: “It is considered that the proposal would have significant public benefits for the region – both economic and social.”

It explains: “Should members resolve to approve the application, due to the objection from Aberdeenshire Council, formal notification must be given to Scottish Minsters, who would then have the opportunity to 'call-in' the application for determination.”

As expected, the recommendation pleases Aberdeen FC and leaves opponents of the stadium plan, mostly local residents, hoping the city council would vote against the report. The vote is expected on Monday, January 29.
