Aberdeen: Opposition to Kingsford Stadium not giving up
source: thescottishsun.co.uk / pressandjournal.co.uk; author: michał
The No to Kingsford group has been in a long-running battle over the development of the proposed £50million site and has submitted a fresh plea to the council, The Scottish Sun reports.
The group has raised concerns over a potential increase in traffic and the site being built on green belt land. They said: “There is a legal precedent to support the denial of this application in order to protect the Green Belt. It is therefore requested, on behalf of No Kingsford Stadium Limited, that the Council refuse planning permission.”
However, Dons executive vice chairman Yule has admitted the Premiership side are trying to satisfy demands and spoke about the economic benefits.
He told The Press and Journal: “Our team of independent planning, environmental, economic and transport experts are confident that we have submitted a planning application which meets every requirement in the protests and addresses both genuine and perceived concerns.
“While those objecting to our proposals are obviously highlighting some of the very localised issues, it’s worth reiterating the overall socio-economic benefits that will be derived for the wider region if our plans get the go-ahead.