Aberdeen: Birds threatening stadium, stadium threatening birds
source: EveningExpress.co.uk / StadiumDB.com; author: michał
28 secies of birds use the proposed stadium site for crucial purposes. It's advised that construction takes place outside the March-August period, though that seems hardly feasible.
Aberdeen FC and architects Halliday Fraser Munro commissioned a series of surveys, conducted by Echoes Ecology Ltd.
As analysed between November and March, there are 42 species of birds living or crossing through the proposed stadium site, of which 28 use the Kingsford Stadium site for important purposes like feeding and roosting.
Importantly, there are 22 species listed for protection, of which 9 are red-listed, meaning they need urgent actionto protect from extinction in the area. 13 were amber-listed, the next most critical group, including the mute swan and the common gulls.
Echoes Ecology Ltd's report concluded: “All birds’ nests are protected by law (the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981) while being built or in use. The nesting season for the majority of species in the UK is March to August inclusive. No bird species which are known to breed regularly outside this season were recorded within the survey area.
“As such, it is recommended that the site is worked upon outside of this nesting season. If this is not possible and works are due to take place between March to August, then areas of the site that need to be worked upon should be shown to be free of nesting birds prior to works commencing. This can be achieved through a nesting bird check completed by a suitably qualified ecologist.”
While advertised in rather sensationalist matter by The Scottish Sun as possibly halting the project, the report should not impede Aberdeen's chances of delivering their stadium.