England: Slight delay for Rovers

source: thisisbristol.co.uk; author: michał

England: Slight delay for Rovers Old stadium is expected to be replaced by a Sainsbury’s supermarket and only when this is secured, work on new one can start. Decision was due by mid-February, but has already been delayed twice, now set for March 5, thisisbristol.co.uk reports.


 As we wrote in mid-January, Bristol municipality finally gave green light to the replacement of Bristol Memorial Stadium by a Sainsbury’s supermarket. This transaction between retail giant and the club is crucial to fund the new venue at University of West England.

City Council’s decision was to be looked at by secretary of state within three weeks, but his approval was expected to be a formality. However, decision due in mid-February was first postponed to Feb 26 and now once again to March 5.

Building the Sainsbury’s store will provide funding for the £40-million new stadium in Stoke Gifford, at University of West England Campus. If no further delays happen, construction may begin this summer and end in mid-2015.
