Hillsborough: Families demand new inquest

source: AFP; author: michał

Hillsborough: Families demand new inquest Relatives of 96 victims met yesterday to discuss further steps in the wake of last week’s shocking report on the disaster. Today their lawyers officially requested a new inquest to bring those responsible to justice.


On Sunday the Hillsborough Family Support Group met to discuss what should be done after Hillsborough Independent Panel’s report from last week. The group has taken advice from high-profile lawyers Michael Mansfield QC and Lord Falconer, who appeared at Sunday's meeting via an Internet videolink.

As a result of the meeting, today lawyers of the Group wrote to Britain's Attorney General and Director of Public Prosecutions outlining their demands for a new inquest into the disaster and bringing those guilty to justice.

Prime Minister Cameron has said Attorney General Dominic Grieve will review the report's findings and decide whether to apply to the High Court for new inquests to be held.

Investigation will also be reopened by South Yorkshire Police (SYP), but as this institution received most blame in the Panel’s report, families may not settle for their work.

Just as a reminder, let us recall the key findings of Independent Panel’s report. Safety of the ground itself and police and rescue strategies were highly insufficient and good practices weren’t implemented to the extent they should have. As a result, even 41 people who may have been saved, died to increase toll to 96 victims. What caused further outrage was the Panel describing an organized campaign by SYP to push the blame on supporters. False media releases, official statement alterations and investigation methods were to mislead public opinion to think that the disaster was caused by angry drunk mob that forced entry into the ground.

Even though already the Taylor Report found police most guilty of the disaster, no-one has been brought to justice for 23 years.
